Saturday, November 27, 2010

dia de accion de gracias

Dia de accion de gracias fue muy relajante. El pavo era muy bueno, yo estaba nervioso. Que era bueno tener dos dias de no trabajo tambien.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands

The two countries I read about in the book were Chile and Columbia.
Chile- Chile has a collectivist culture in which the extended family is a dominating factor in the decision-making process. Chileans consider feelings more important than facts, and the truth is considered to be subjective and personal. Honor is very important in the family, and kinship and friendship play a major role in business associations. It is essential to become friends with Chileans whom you want to do business with. It is important to be punctual at meetings, but don't be offended if your counterpart is up to 30 minutes late. Chileans are straightforward and take negotiating quite seriously. It is important to greet and shake hands with each person, and only use first names when invited.

Columbia- In Columbia, it is almost impossible to conduct business without hiring a local contact. Columbians feel they are negotiating with people, not corporations, so it's best to keep your original negotiating team. They have a tradition of hospitality and frequently invite guests to their homes. They also do not address by first name, unless invited to do so. Greet by shaking hands, and dress formally when doing business. It is important to be on time, but they could be late and feel they are on time.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Buenas notas

Es muy importante obtene buenas notas en la escuela. Es importante que estudie mucho. Es necesario asista a clase y no trabaje demasiadas horas.