Saturday, December 4, 2010

Mi consejos para los futuros estudiantes...

Yo recomiendo que los estudiantes estudien mucho y que practicen con sus companeros. He disfrutada de la clase y se lo recomendaria a otras personas.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

dia de accion de gracias

Dia de accion de gracias fue muy relajante. El pavo era muy bueno, yo estaba nervioso. Que era bueno tener dos dias de no trabajo tambien.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands

The two countries I read about in the book were Chile and Columbia.
Chile- Chile has a collectivist culture in which the extended family is a dominating factor in the decision-making process. Chileans consider feelings more important than facts, and the truth is considered to be subjective and personal. Honor is very important in the family, and kinship and friendship play a major role in business associations. It is essential to become friends with Chileans whom you want to do business with. It is important to be punctual at meetings, but don't be offended if your counterpart is up to 30 minutes late. Chileans are straightforward and take negotiating quite seriously. It is important to greet and shake hands with each person, and only use first names when invited.

Columbia- In Columbia, it is almost impossible to conduct business without hiring a local contact. Columbians feel they are negotiating with people, not corporations, so it's best to keep your original negotiating team. They have a tradition of hospitality and frequently invite guests to their homes. They also do not address by first name, unless invited to do so. Greet by shaking hands, and dress formally when doing business. It is important to be on time, but they could be late and feel they are on time.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Buenas notas

Es muy importante obtene buenas notas en la escuela. Es importante que estudie mucho. Es necesario asista a clase y no trabaje demasiadas horas.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

El mejor dia de mi vida

El mejor día de mi vida fue el día en que nació mi hijo. Era 09 de febrero, un dia muy frio y con nieve. Yo estaba muy nervioso y excitado. Mi hijo es lo mejor que me ha pasado, y es por eso que fue el mejor dia de mi vida.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Un relajante fin de semana

Este fin de semana fui al partido de fútbol de mi hijo. También me lavaba la ropa y limpiar mi casa. Mi hijo me ayudó a hacer las galletas y tuvimos una noche de cine.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

La semana pasada

Tuve una semana muy ocupada en el trabajo. Mi companero de trabajo estaba de baja por enfermedad durante toda la semana y tambien tengo un nuevo supervisor ahora.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Columbian Dance Performance

I went to the Columbian Dance Performance at Jefferson College this past Saturday, Sept. 18. Grupo Atlantico put on a wonderful performance in my opinion. They had awesome costumes that were very colorful, and really added to the dances. I thought the music was really neat, and they did a really good job. The sound of the drums was really neat. And then there were the dances themselves. Each dance told a story of its own. They were very expressive and each had its own unique characteristics. They narrated each dance before it was performed so you knew the background of the dance beforehand. Each dance was very symbolic and unique, and it was really neat to see how different cultures express different things through their dances. Overall, the performances were very neat and entertaining. But my favorite part of the show was at the end. They had all the performers come out on stage at once, and invited everyone in the audience to come up and salsa with them. Although it looked like it would be fun, I did not go up myself, due to my lack of dancing skills, and the fact that I am very shy! But it was very entertaining to watch my fellow classmates, and even our lovely professor, do the salsa.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Estoy muy emocionado!

Mi hijo ha estado en un viaje con su padre durante una semana y vuelve a casa esta semana! Ha sido muy tranquila sin el!

Monday, August 30, 2010

semana muy ocupada

Estoy mirando hacia adelante para otra semana muy ocupada con la escuela y el trabajo